Cdre Rod has been having a clear out! A story about his National Service days and Squadex 81 have been placed in the Members’ Area under Miscellaneous.
The September Newsletter is now in the Members’ Area.
Congratulations to our member Steven Jones who has been awarded the Merchant Navy Medal.
Steven has received the medal for his work to tackle mental health issues amongst seafarers. Steven set up the Seafarers Happiness Index (SHI) in 2015, which monitors the mood across the maritime sector and helps shipping companies and maritime bodies provide targeted support where it is needed.
Thanks to Steven’s work, the index has shone a spotlight on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on seafarers’ mental health, which has shown steady improvements since its creation.
A lifelong champion of seafarer rights, in 2017 Steven campaigned to help bring home the Chennai Six – a group of 6 British maritime security guards wrongly imprisoned in an Indian jail. He helped mobilise the maritime industry into action, raising the profile of the 6 incarcerated men and exposing the injustice and challenging conditions they faced.
Steven said:
I’m thrilled to receive the Merchant Navy Medal. It’s absolutely vital that seafarers have a voice, are listened to by the industry and seen by society.
I’m glad I am able to shine a light on the important work that seafarers do and I’ll continue to champion them in the years to come.